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BombSquad / feature-suggestions / [Resolved] What do I think is a Cooperative mode better?
Deleted User 10/9/2023 3:17 PM
(Well, I already found an easier way to play cooperative mode) (edited)
Loup(Dliwk's fan) 10/9/2023 5:47 PM
Didn't understand eric_ayyy
Loup(Dliwk's fan)
Didn't understand eric_ayyy
Deleted User 10/9/2023 5:56 PM
In English: since I realized that there was a Cooperative mode, because I didn't really want to use controls, I thought it was better to make a Cooperative mode but it would be like the photo (coop or camp)
5:58 PM
So if there was an easier option to be able to play it instead of doing this process, you would have to connect with someone on the local internet or with other people
Loup(Dliwk's fan) 10/9/2023 5:59 PM
Wdym by you didn't want to use controls?
Deleted User 10/9/2023 6:00 PM
Well, I almost don't have one, but if anyone would like to play with these, I already know that the connectable remote control exists.
6:01 PM
I play sometimes on the computer (I don't even have the original game because it deletes like nothing)
Loup(Dliwk's fan)
Wdym by you didn't want to use controls?
Loup(Dliwk's fan) 10/9/2023 6:01 PM
You mean controllers?
Deleted User 10/9/2023 6:01 PM
Yep, (the remote control or even the console)
Loup(Dliwk's fan) 10/9/2023 6:02 PM
So the issue was that you didn't have a spare controller???eric_tilted
Deleted User 10/9/2023 6:03 PM
I never had🤔
Loup(Dliwk's fan) 10/9/2023 6:03 PM
I think I should sleep cause it's 5:30 am and I have exam from 9
6:03 PM
Deleted User 10/9/2023 6:03 PM
Ok, sorry for the inconvenience
Deleted User changed the channel name: [Resolved] What do I think is a Cooperative mode better? 12/15/2023 7:46 AM
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